
The Lake Rotorua Incentives Scheme

We’re inviting all rural landowners in the Lake Rotorua Catchment, who have excess nitrogen that they don’t need to operate their farm system, to consider selling it to the Lake Rotorua Incentives Scheme.

The Scheme was set up to remove 100 tonnes of nitrogen per year from Lake Rotorua. This is through the purchasing of nitrogen from landowners who are willing to drop the nitrogen leaching from their land below what is required under the Lake Rotorua Nutrient Rules.

Lake Rotorua Incentives Scheme Policy 2024

How it works

The scheme is a voluntary private negotiation between the landowner and a Bay of Plenty Regional Council negotiator.

The Rotorua Lakes Programme will fund a farm consultant to determine how much nitrogen you have to offer for sale.

We will then provide you with the transaction documents and recommend that you liaise with your lawyer before signing them.

Once the documents are signed, and after you make any necessary land use change, the money will be transferred to your bank.

Who can apply

Any rural landowner, with any size property within the Lake Rotorua Catchment, who has excess nitrogen available, is eligible to apply.

The Scheme has recently been extended beyond the original 2022 deadline which will allow landowners more time to consider their options.

So, if you are interested in selling nitrogen, or want to discuss your options, please get in touch with us on 07 921 3377 or email us at