
Rotoiti Catfish Update

Rotoiti Catfish Update

22 April 2016

  • Netting this week has focused on lowering catfish numbers in Te Weta Bay and Okere arm in Lake Rotoiti.
    • A further 66 catfish were caught in Te Weta Bay, no further captures in Okere Arm.
  • The University of Waikato electric fishing boat has also been operating this week – no catfish have been found so far in Lake Rotorua. 
  • Netting in the north-western bay of Lake Rotoiti will continue next week.
  • Operational updates were provided to the Rotorua Lakes Recreation Forum and to the Lake Water Quality Society Committee meeting this week.

If anyone sees a catfish in the Bay of Plenty, they should report it to us by calling 0800 STOP PESTS (0800 786 773).

Please see our catfish factsheet and webpage for background information.